Terms and Conditions

For all instrument courses for 3yrs up, please take note of the following:

Your weekly lesson fee is the yearly fee for your Yamaha Music School course broken down into 36-38 weeks per academic year. All fees are viewed as part of the inclusive yearly fee and are not refunded if less than 6 week’s notice is given to cancel lessons nor if a student is absent for a lesson in a prebooked term. YMS operate a ‘book in advance’ policy to ensure our school schedule is running as efficiently as possible. Please see our Ts and Cs below for more information about missing a class and our cancellation policy.

Please note that most of our terms are typically 6 weeks long and our academic years are typically 36-38 weeks long. This may change due to borough term dates, bank holidays and other reasons. Fees detailed may change if a schedule amendment is required. If this is the case, refunds/rescheduling will be organised accordingly. The weekly fee will always remain the same.

Yamaha Music School Croydon is owned and operated by Music Ed Limited.

By signing up to lessons with YMS Croydon, we assume your agreement to the following Terms and Conditions:

1. Once you book into a class slot, your place is automatically reserved in the same class time for the following term. It is presumed you will continue with the same class time, but please do enquire if you need a change of time for the following term.

2. Lessons stay at the same time and with the same teacher for the duration of each course.

However, this may change for follow-on courses or if classes become too small. We will always aim to give efficient notice if your class time is going to close for any reason.

3. YMS Croydon requires payment in advance for each half-term per year, in full. Each half-term is usually 5-7 weeks long. Payment must be made either in full before the first lesson of each half-term. Failure to do so could result in losing your place on the school register.

4. We require 6 weeks notice for discontinuation of lessons. You may be charged for the next term if notice is not sufficient.

5. The first term of any course is treated as a trial term - letting us know you are not continuing by the last lesson of your first term with us is acceptable.

6. Refunds for missed lessons are not issued under any circumstance whilst a lesson is still taking place. However, if for any reason the lesson does not take place as planned and YMS Croydon cancel a lesson, either a make-up lesson will be offered or a refund will be issued.

7. Alternative teachers may cover lessons in case of teacher absence and notice will be provided to parents where possible.

8. The adult that accompanies JMC and JSFC students to lessons should be the one that helps

at home.

9. No younger siblings should be present in lessons. If an additional child is participating in lessons without official request to join the class in advance, additional fees will be incurred.

10. No food or drink in classrooms except for closed water bottles.

11. It is the legal guardian's responsibility to ensure that student information is up to date on their Speed Admin account. Emphasis on ensuring medical, SEN/D and emergency contact details are up to date is greatly appreciated.

12. We may ask to photograph or film lessons for publicity or training purposes - we would always ask permission first, but it would be helpful to know if you have any concerns about this.

13. Photos or videos taken by attendees during a lesson is not allowed. However, YMS may occasionally ask for your permission to film a lesson for internal teacher training purposes.

14. If you attend a YMS annual concert, families are permitted to take photos of the event.

15. Teachers of YMS Croydon reserve the right to remove a student from class and release their space should their behaviour become too disruptive whilst under YMS care and supervision.

16. Failure to pick up a student on time from a class regularly could result in losing your place on the school register. YMS Croydon (Music Ed Limited) does not have the staff or provisions to allow students to wait un-accompanied.

17. Students may leave the Music Ed Limited premises on their own only if parent permission is granted in writing.